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Pirate, Bardesse and Rhapsode.

Born in the heart of Montreal, Annie Des Groseilliers grew up in a multi-ethnic environment that would naturally develop an openness and a spontaneous interest in various cultures.


After studying Art History at the University of Montreal and studying journalism at Promedia, she worked as a cultural journalist for the Magazine Quebec Rock, then thereafter occupied the position of editor-in-chief of the monthly d 'regional news' 'The Journal of the Rivière du Nord'.

Over the past 25 years, she will complete her professional experience in communication and management positions for international high technology companies, as well as in wine & spirits promotional agencies as Business Development Manager and Product Director .

Seven years ago, she set off on her own and developed her own consulting and support company for the wine and spirits industry: Evolo Stratégie Conseils. She is now recognized within the community as a rum expert, as a trainer, columnist and judge in international competitions.


Yes but Poetry?​

Long before, and beyond the world of wines & spirits, there was art! With the song, yes, but above all by writing, by the pleasure of words and his bittersweet but infinite love for human beings. And the birth of this collection:

"Poésie Charnelle and Autres Émois"  It all started with an urgency ... an urgency to live, to love, to write and to express it. Visceral, rebellious and free energy.​ Over the winds and gusts, happiness and ecstasies too.


A few confidential and shameless letters ... forgotten at the bottom of a drawer.

Odes to passion and its sources.​

A rhapsody clouded by pain and injuries.

Some uncompromising thoughts and reflections; in periods of calm.

Days, nights, months, years ... A life lying on paper in scraps.



Download the biography

Annie is published on behalf of Author.

If you want to welcome herworld, you can write to her:

The book can also be found in digital format on Amazon; look for it under Annie Des Groseilliers.

The printable paperback version does not, however, offer the pretty cover of Artist Marie-Claire Saldivar…. nor the dedication. ;-)


Carl Jung compare la vie à une « journée typique » et j'adhère à cette image que j'interprète ainsi...

« Au matin » de notre vie nous mettons l'emphase sur la carrière, la progression, les gains, le statut, les possessions.

Puis un jour, et le moment ou l'âge est propre à chacun, une transition s'opère vers « l'après-midi » de notre vie. Subtilement ou drastiquement mais surtout viscéralement, nous recherchons « autre chose ».

Cette autre chose qui justifie notre présence et pourquoi nous sommes là. Cette autre chose qui donne un sens réel à notre existence. Cette autre voie qui nous autorise à vraiment être soi, à ne plus se conformer à l'image que les autres ont de nous, à leurs attentes, à leurs diktats , à leurs miroirs.

Ce choix conscient de se délester des codes acquis et assimilés pour retrouver les nôtres.Cette urgence de se reconnecter à nos désirs profonds , à notre essence ,à ce qui compte réellement.

Je veux embrasser chaque instant de cet après-midi de ma vie.

Avant que le soir arrive.

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